General Requirements:
A bachelor’s degree from an accredited academic institution or equivalent education.
At least one year of professional work experience1.
1The work experience must be related to financial investment process. The individual is expected to contribute to the financial analysis of company, securities analysis, portfolio analysis, investment management, industry as well as economic analysis. Those who are directly related to the supervision as well as the teaching of the above activities are also qualified for the application.
Exam Requirements:
Not applicable.
CFA Designation Usage
Not eligible.
Voting Rights
Not eligible.
#For Pro-rate dues for NEW members, please click here . If pay by cheque, it should be made payable to "CFA Society Hong Kong". Please write down your name at the back of the cheque and mail it to CFA Society Hong Kong. If by credit card, please get a payment link from CFA Society Hong Kong at Membership fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
2 For membership reinstatement/re-activation, members are required to pay full year Annual Dues (US$120 for Regular/Affiliate Member, US$60 for Retired Regular/Affiliate Member, HK$930 for Associate Member, HK$300 for Student Associate) no matter at which date of the year they reinstate/re-activate their membership. Membership fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Waived for members aged 70 or above.3
3 To acknowledge and honour lifelong contributions from our senior members, with effect starting from 1 July 2017, the Society decided to waive the Annual Dues of members aged 70 or above. If you fall into this category, please renew your membership by submitting the Professional Conduct Statement.
How to Apply
Complete the followings
- An Application Form
- A Sponsor Form completed by an CFA Society Hong Kong Regular Member or his/her current employer
- An Ethics Declaration Form
and submit to CFA Society Hong Kong 14/F, BOC Group Life Assurance Tower, 136 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
#For Pro-rate dues for NEW members, please click here . If by credit card, please get a payment link from CFA Society Hong Kong at Membership fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
1The work experience must be related to financial investment process. The individual is expected to contribute to the financial analysis of company, securities analysis, portfolio analysis, investment management, industry as well as economic analysis. Those who are directly related to the supervision as well as the teaching of the above activities are also qualified for the application.
2 For membership reinstatement/re-activation, members are required to pay full year Annual Dues (US$120 for Regular/Affiliate Member, US$60 for Retired Regular/Affiliate Member, HK$930 for Associate Member, HK$300 for Student Associate) no matter at which date of the year they reinstate/re-activate their membership. Membership fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
3 To acknowledge and honour lifelong contributions from our senior members, with effect starting from 1 July 2017, the Society decided to waive the Annual Dues of members aged 70 or above. If you fall into this category, please renew your membership by submitting the Professional Conduct Statement.