Outstanding Volunteer Awards

The Society recognizes our volunteers who have devoted their time, effort and knowledge to the Society and the investment community in Hong Kong. The Outstanding Volunteer Awards aims to encourage, reward, and raise the profile of our volunteers.


Who is qualified

Selection Mechanisms

Selection and Judging Criteria


Awardees (in alphabetical order of last name)

Mr. Tim Chan, CFA
Mr. Willis Chan, CFA
Mr. Zap Cheng, CFA
Mr. Lorenz Cheung, CFA
Ms. Monica Cheung, CFA
Mr. Wallace Cheung, CFA
Mr. Michael Chow, CFA
Mr. Kerr Poon, CFA
Mr. Jeffrey Tse, CFA
Mr. Edward Chan, CFA
Mr. Justin Chan, CFA
Ms. May Chan, CFA
Mr. Willis Chan, CFA
Mr. Wallace Cheung, CFA
Mr. Eric Fok, CFA
Mr. Wisely Ngai, CFA
Mr. Simon Pang, CFA
Mr. Leon Qi, CFA
Mr. Shenci Tang, CFA
Mr. Prab Bajwa, CFA
Dr. Terence Chan, CFA
Mr. Edwin Fan, CFA
Mr. Nicholas Jackson, CFA
Mr. Joe Lin, CFA
Mr. Leo Ng, CFA
Mr. Kerr Poon, CFA
Mr. Hannes Valtonen, CFA
Mr. Jason Zeall, CFA


To recognize and acknowledge the significant contributions made by individual volunteers who have developed, promoted and contributed to the programs and activities, and to make a difference in the Society.



Who is qualified

A member of the Society who fulfills the following requirements:

  • Is not a Director of the Society
  • Has been a member of the Society for at least one year, and has served as volunteer in one or more of the committees for at least one year and is currently still a volunteer.

Who can be a nominator?

  • The Society’s Directors
  • The Society’s staff
  • Committees’ members

Selection Mechanisms

  • Each nominator can only nominate up to 3 candidates, unless specified otherwise.
  • Nominations must be submitted to the Society’s Board of Directors on or before the deadline each year.
  • The Board of Directors is responsible for screening all nominations.
  • The Board of Directors reserves the right to withhold the award if, in their judgment, no worthy nominations are received.

Selection and Judging Criteria

Awards are based on the nominee’s achievements in the year immediately prior to the receipt of the Award, as well as their past achievements and ongoing contribution to the Society and the investment community – for example:

  • Making a significant contribution to the Society and the investment community.
  • Demonstrating leadership, contributing to share experiences, insights and intelligence, and helping other volunteers and members.
  • Showing innovation and problem-solving abilities.
  • Serving as role model to the Society’s members and volunteers.
  • Demonstrating an ability to influence fellow volunteers to achieve desired result.


  • The Board of Directors will make a call for nominations by mid-October.
  • Winners will be shortlisted and selected by the committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  • The recipient will be announced in Q4 of the year.