CFA Society Hong Kong is thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the professional learning seminar featuring Nobel Laureate Professor Myron Scholes, PhD, co-organized with Janus Henderson Investors in Jul 2023. We were very privileged to spend the day with approximately 110 guests including Society’s members and practitioners from the financial industry.
This remarkable seminar commenced with the opening remarks by Mr. Andrew Hendry, CFA, CEO Singapore, Head of Distribution, Asia, of Janus Henderson Investors. Professor Myron Scholes, PhD, Chief Investment Strategist, at Janus Henderson Investors then shared his profound insights on “Optimizing Risk & Returns in Carbon Neutral Portfolios” and explored how to achieve net-zero while optimizing investment outcomes.
A fireside chat and Q&A session followed, moderated by Mr. Alvin Ho, CFA, President of CFA Society Hong Kong. The task force supporting the fireside chat consisted of Society’s Board of Directors, Mr. Ning Lin, CFA, Ms. Felicia Wong, CFA, and Mr. Adam Wong, CFA, as well as Committee volunteers, Mr. Jeffrey Tse, CFA, and Mr. Gilbert Wong, CFA. Their contribution formed the backbone that sparked a fire in the dialogue of Professor Myron Scholes and Mr. Alvin Ho which ignited a passionate discussion on various topics like options, carbons, the value of life and time, and even kimchi!
The seminar was concluded with closing remarks by Mr. Francesco Nagari, Hong Kong Financial Services Industry Leader, Deloitte China.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to CFA Institute Asia-Pacific Research Exchange and Deloitte for their support, as well as Ms. Brenda Hou, CFA, Senior Director, Partnerships and Client Solutions, APAC, CFA Institute for serving as the emcee.
About the speaker:
Professor Myron Scholes, PhD, is Chief Investment Strategist at Janus Henderson Investors. In this role, he leads the firm’s evolving asset allocation product development efforts and partners with the investment team, contributing macro insights and quantitative analysis specific to hedging, risk management, and disciplined portfolio construction. Myron is also a member of the firm’s Solutions Group, a team that constructs multi-asset solutions for clients’ complex investment objectives. Among his many accomplishments, Myron is the Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance, Emeritus, at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he teaches courses including “Managing Under Uncertainty” and “The Evolution of Finance.” He is a member of the Econometric Society and in 1990 served as president of the American Finance Association. Myron is widely known for his seminal work in options pricing, capital market equilibrium, tax policies, and the financial services industry. He is a Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences and co-originator of the Black-Scholes options pricing model, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997. He is a director of Dimensional Fund Advisors mutual funds and several other private companies and has served as an advisor to the Guangdong Provincial Government.
Myron holds a PhD from the University of Chicago. He has honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Paris, France; McMaster University, Canada; Louvain University, Belgium; and Wilfred Laurier University, Canada. He has honourary professorships from Nanjing University, Nanjing Audit University, and Xiamen University in China. He was awarded the Innovator of the Year Award from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Derivatives Association. Additionally, he is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Myron has consulted widely with many financial institutions, corporations, and exchanges, and has lectured for many academic groups and other organisations around the world. He has 53 years of financial industry experience.